A Tribe. A Family.
We are artists. Adventurers. Consciousness engineers. Life hackers. Flowstate facilitators. A dynamic international network comprised of creative and talented entrepreneurs, leaders, authors, speakers. We are a tribe impacting humanity in large and small ways – all year round.
We gather on the playa to connect, laugh, grow, dance and share! To give back. To exceed the scope and impact of our offerings and gift each year we return home. To expand as a force for change, positivity, and love.
We believe in the exponential impact of empowerment, the momentum of meaningful movements, the cathartic creative power of conscious community.

To exemplify and embody the 6 core concepts of our HEXethos:
Connect // Co-Create // Community // Contribute // Culture // Care
The most important part of the HEX Collective Ethos is our devotion to the welfare of others — our fellow campers, the greater Burning Man community, and even beyond to the broader community of humanity. Our community energy echoes and extends beyond the playa, a year-round force for positive connection.

The meanings of the hexagon are vast and varied. Here’s a few that resonate with us…
- Our core offerings and experiences on the playa take place in our HEX Tent – a large, shaded space for connection, dance parties, coffee, yoga, and beats.
- The hexagon is sacred geometry; it occurs in nature and math: it’s the shape represented by the flower of life and the element water: flow
- It’s the shape used in beehives: community, efficiency, harmony and found in volcanic rock: expansion, creation
Our values are closely aligned with the 10 Principles of Burning Man written by co-founder Larry Harvey. They were crafted not as a dictate of how people should be and act, but as a reflection of the community’s ethos and culture as it has organically developed since the event’s inception. We have represented our values here in the same fashion and intention.
We’re a growing tribe, a dynamic open system which recognizes that new energy fuels our momentum. We humbly and ecstatically invite others into our HEXtent and hearts, to play, share, grow, dance, and co-create with us.
We are a tribe but we are individuals first. In recognition of this fact, we are committed and embrace the mantra of self care. It is important to be whole before you can help and be of service. We encourage and provide resources to maximize the individual strength of each one of our members.
We honour the time and energy it takes to put together our camp and therefore we are committed to each other to help with the planning, building, striking of camp. We are also committed to the greater mission that is BRC and the leading edge cultural movement that is the BM community.
We are a group of givers on and off the playa, fully aware that bestowal upon others is an infinitely rewarding experience, and that the value of gifting is undefinable and the terms unconditional.
The health and safety of our camp members and our guests is paramount. In fact, it’s the third-most important thing. We are committed to creating a safe and fun space for all residents of BRC. We engage our neighbours and greater community to co-create a space designed for comfort and safe play and expression.
We fiercely uphold the “pack it in – pack it out’ mantra and we are committed to leaving our canvas, campground, playa home and wherever else we roam cleaner than how we found it. All of our members are committed to MOOP patrols in camp and when out on the playa.
We believe participation is not a luxury in that our spirit calls us to it and our inner expansion demands it. We hold supportive and encouraging space for one another as we answer this call. Everyone is unique and has special qualities. We identify those talents and place our members in roles that allow them to shine and to flourish.
Radical self-expression arises from the unique gifts and enthusiasms of the individual as well as the exponential offerings that a collaborating group can create together.We encourage and honour the expression of the individual within our highly collaborative setting and take great care in walking this balance. We are a collection of unique eclectic artists from all over the world, an international camp from a vast array of backgrounds with an incredible scope of heart-centered creativity. One of our primary values is to fiercely hold space, through our offerings and presence, for our guests and the greater community to practise radical self expression in any way that is safe and respectful to others.
We embrace the moment and the ongoing dissolution of hesitancy as a barrier to discovery, expansion and connection. We encourage everyone to be fully present and to say yes to everything that invites their spirit, and to push our own boundaries through new connections and new experiences. While we’re creating amazing memories, we remind ourselves that reality only exists in the now, and that this value above all others can change the world.